Video advertisements’ popularity only seems to grow each year. It is estimated that by 2021 online users will watch 100 minutes of online videos a day. With apps like TikTok booming from quarantine, users are sure to have surpassed that estimate. While video ads are doing well, many businesses hesitate to invest in video content.
Good content on your site is the most important thing you need for your business. The information you provide will attract possible new customers, help you retain your current ones, and also help you generate leads. Content means growth for your business, but how do you use your content strategy to build marketing leads? Well,
The auto industry is one of the most competitive industries. This means in today’s digital age each and every automotive business needs to make a strong mark on the industry in order to stay relevant. The internet has opened up a new era for the average car shopper. Buyers can find all the information they
Business to Business marketing is very different from business to consumer marketing and requires its own tailored tactics. Traditional B2C marketing uses strategies and applications to direct ads to their consumers’ specific interests and needs. B2B marketing targets specific interests as well. However, the marketing is directed towards an individual who is basing their decisions
Everyone needs healthcare, so you might think that marketing your doctor’s office or organization would be easy. In reality, it can actually be a little bit tricky. For one, the competition for the industry is vast, and many people are willing to travel out of state, even out of the country, for the best medical
In today’s digital age, not having a website is the equivalent of not having a phone. A lack of an online presence can be bad for your business’s reputation. While your patients can always reach you through the phone, a strong website can be a powerful communication tool to help patients, potential patients, and partnering
Designing a website for your restaurant can be an overwhelming task. You not only have to think about layouts and themes but menus, services, and reservations as well. There is a lot to keep in mind in just the beginning stages of development. While everything varies from website to website there are a few key
Followers don’t matter anymore. Engagement does. Social media influencers have changed the way companies market their products. When you think of an online influencer, who do you think of? Insta-celebrities we follow on Instagram with 3-4 million followers, right? Well, truth be told, businesses have realized that if they want an influencer to help
Subscription-based services are one of the fastest-growing industries out there. Over 54% of online shoppers say they have some sort of box service subscription. The subscription industry offers consumers a convenient, personalized, and reasonably priced service that conveniently gives them what they need. The subscription market has touched almost every industry from contact lenses to
Most likely, you have a few personal social media accounts. You use them to connect with friends and family, follow celebrities, find inspiration, and stay updated. However, running a page for your small business might seem like completely new territory. Is social media marketing actually worth all of the time and effort? The truth is