Every business has been guilty of holding on to something for too long. Whether it is an item on your shelves or a register system that just can’t handle your sales volume. You look over your business every day to make sure it is as efficient as possible. Though you might not realize that your
Who are your customers? You probably already know the answer to this question. After all, you’ve probably known many of your customers for years and have built a strong relationship with them. However, your target audience isn’t just down the street anymore. You have a wide range of potential customers that you are not reaching
Why do people buy fake likes? Everyone with a social media account, both personal and professional, understands how difficult it can be to grow an organic following fast. In a world where “likes” are counted like currency, it is very tempting for small businesses to buy fake likes, followers, views, etc. These days, it’s very
Video advertisements’ popularity only seems to grow each year. It is estimated that by 2021 online users will watch 100 minutes of online videos a day. With apps like TikTok booming from quarantine, users are sure to have surpassed that estimate. While video ads are doing well, many businesses hesitate to invest in video content.
Subscription-based services are one of the fastest-growing industries out there. Over 54% of online shoppers say they have some sort of box service subscription. The subscription industry offers consumers a convenient, personalized, and reasonably priced service that conveniently gives them what they need. The subscription market has touched almost every industry from contact lenses to