Every business has been guilty of holding on to something for too long. Whether it is an item on your shelves or a register system that just can’t handle your sales volume. You look over your business every day to make sure it is as efficient as possible. Though you might not realize that your
Why do people buy fake likes? Everyone with a social media account, both personal and professional, understands how difficult it can be to grow an organic following fast. In a world where “likes” are counted like currency, it is very tempting for small businesses to buy fake likes, followers, views, etc. These days, it’s very
When the world of advertising was beginning to boom the standard for advertising was pretty simple. You would take out ads in your local newspaper, and billboards, and if you had the budget for it you would even rent some air time for a commercial. However, the world of advertising isn’t so simple anymore. Every
You might have noticed that Instagram has started hiding its likes. Why would it do that, you might ask, isn’t the whole point of Instagram likes? While it might be different and maybe even upsetting to some, Instagram only has the best interest of its users with this new update. Back in November, the CEO
Advertising can be one of the scariest steps to take when growing your business. It isn’t always clear as to where to begin or how to do it in the first place. Luckily, there are many resources that can take your business to the next level, one is digital marketing, all done through the use