Who are your customers? You probably already know the answer to this question. After all, you’ve probably known many of your customers for years and have built a strong relationship with them. However, your target audience isn’t just down the street anymore. You have a wide range of potential customers that you are not reaching
There are dozens of eCommerce platforms out there, but the two industry leaders are Shopify and Woocommerce. Just like any software, both have plenty of pros and cons. What it comes down to is what fits your business needs the best. Let’s review what you want you are going to need to help you decide.
It seems like every day there is a new big idea or innovation in the service industry. Many of these innovations can benefit your business greatly. It comes down to finding out which services are right for you. The question you always want to ask yourself is, “can this help me meet the high customer
Business to Business marketing is very different from business to consumer marketing and requires its own tailored tactics. Traditional B2C marketing uses strategies and applications to direct ads to their consumers’ specific interests and needs. B2B marketing targets specific interests as well. However, the marketing is directed towards an individual who is basing their decisions
The Clover Flex is an impressive and robust mobile payment solution for anyone looking to take their business to the next level. Here are the highlights; Who can benefit from Clover Flex? Clover Flex is great for a variety of businesses. Specifically; restaurants pay-at-the-table, salons, limousines, Taxi-Cabs, Trade-shows, Professional Services, Contractors, Hair Stylist, Subcontractors, Transportation